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Pink Floyd - 1965: Their First Recordings (2015) review

Pink Floyd - 1965: Their First Recordings (Parlophone, 2015)

Prior to their seminal release of The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright and Nick Mason, along with their then guitarist Rado Klose, were walking down the same path as The Rolling Stones and many other bands of the day who were looking to the blues of America, and creating their own garage versions of many of the songs that while weren’t so popular here on white AM radio at the time, were certainly sweeping the European continent, causing Americans like the The Standells, with “Dirty Water” to take notice, and bring this treasured sound back to the United States, where it flourished.  

This garage/garage psych R&B infused sound was the genesis of the cultural revolution, bringing into existence groups such as Moby Grape, Big Brother and The Holding Company, and even Love [who took the genre a step further].  Yes, this material is very much of the time, and exactly what I heard Pink Floyd preform the first time I saw them at the Fillmore, where they mixed these sounds with that of The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn ... an endeavor that work flawlessly.

Don’t go thinking that you’re going to hear anything earth shattering here.  What you do hear has been done before, and often better.  But there’s something special about hearing Pink Floyd express these numbers in an almost off handed easy going fashion.  The one surprise comes on the song “Butterfly” where you are treated to essences of what’s waiting just around the corner for The Floyd.  And it’s here, on this three minute track that Pink Floyd blossom, hinting at their future, and sounding for all the world as if they’re making a sincere attempt at creating something truly original and inspiring.

It’s a solid collection of material, and the vinyl release of 1050 copies is sure to go through the roof. It’s not a must have, but it’s certainly a must listen, and for that reason I’m glad it’s in my collection.

Review made by Jenell Kesler/2015
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